Al Capones Jail Cell

by Anthony Sacco
Al Capones Jail Cell
Anthony Sacco
Photograph - Photography
Here is the Jail Cell of Al Capone. "Scarface" Al Capone, "the notorious king of Chicago's racket world," got his first taste of prison life in Philadelphia. While the courts
were tough on Capone, his stay at Eastern State Penitentiary was rather comfortable. Capone spent 8 months in one of Eastern State's "Park Avenue" cells. In
1929, a newspaper reporter for the Philadelphia Public Ledger described Capone's cell.
"The whole room was suffused in the glow of a desk lamp which stood on a polished desk... On the once-grim walls of the penal chamber hung tasteful paintings,
and the strains of a waltz were being emitted by a powerful cabinet radio receiver of handsome design and fine finish. Credit: Eastern State Penitentiary
February 25th, 2017
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Comments (5)

Michael Cleere
Fascinating picture and story. It is kind of a cool Man Cave for a sophisticated type.